Sunday, April 20, 2014

So, THIS is what Jesus died for?

Greetings and salutations everyone, and happy Easter to all.
On this most joyous of Christian holidays, I present to you the exact opposite of what Jesus died for. From an article I read online today:

- blessings to all Christians who have been working so hard to make Jinja a land free of gay persons

The Bishop of the Jinja Diocese of the Catholic Church, Bishop Rt. Rev. Fr. Charles Wamika, in today’s Easter Message delivered at St. Chalres Lwanga Catholic Church, praised the Members of Parliament for the Anti-Homosexuality Act that provides life in prison for gay (LGBTI) people in Uganda. The Bishop called for a blessing for Uganda’s Christians who worked so hard to ‘free the land of gays.’ The Bishope also asked for parents to hand over their gay children to authorities, so they would be rewarded in heaven. I would call that a statement praising and calling for a genocide.

Since the passage of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill in Uganda, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people have gone into hiding. The law, which institutionalizes homophobia and affirms the persecution of LGBTI people, has been held in esteem, the highest reverence and praised by Christian leadership in Uganda, to the point of holding rallies to reward parliamentarians and the President, Yoweri Museveni. The Ugandan Churches and Christian community, (except for a handful, who have been banished and shamed for their compassionate and affirming stance,) have led the assault against gays.

AMWe have challenged noteworthy Christian leaders such as Joel Osteen and others to come forward and condemn the law, and to distinguish their brands of Christianity from that been touted on the stages and streets of Uganda, yet none have done so.

Now a young man in hiding, challenges the Pope, Pope Francis, as the Catholic Church’s official stand in Uganda, on this Easter Sunday seems to send a message of extreme hate, exacerbating the terror felt by gays in hiding.

As this law in Uganda seems to copy the course of Nazi Germany, the scapegoating, and the forcing of a minority into camps and death, the Ann Franks of Uganda remain in terror, questioning whether the Pope will repeat the mistakes of the Catholic Church during the Hitler Holocaust?

From the voice of a young man “accused” of being gay who is in hiding in Uganda:

“The Bishop of Jinja Diocese – Bishop Rt. Rev. Fr. Charles Wamika, in today’s Easter Message delivered at St. Chalres Lwanga Catholic Church, praised the Members of Parliament for taking a stand to see to it that the Anti-homosexuality bill passed into law, he went ahead and called on the faithful to vote for President Museveni in 2016 general elections for signing the bill into law.

He reminded the Christians that, it has been a law and he sent blessings to all Christians who have been working so hard to make Jinja a land free of gay persons. He said throughout human history the catholic church has fought evil and blood has been shed, he called on all the Christians to do whatever they can in their own means to clean this city.

I am surprised that a well educated bishop, well traveled and studied in different western countries uses his position to justify killing. He asked parents with gay suspected children to handle them over to authorities and their reward is in heaven. This is too much hatred. I wonder if we will hear from the Pope on this. If not, I lose all hope.”

To my way of thinking on this Easter Sunday the Ugandan Catholic Bishop of Jinja has indeed called for the extermination of gays. I hope Pope Francis has a great Easter while Ugandan Gays have to hear this hate sputtering from his Bishops. I think this Bishop should be recalled and put to pasture. Perhaps a petition is called for. And what about an apology and a clear message from Pope Francis on this tragic issue.

Alrighty, so now, it's my turn.
This backwards thinking is what gives the Catholic church, and indeed ALL of Christianity, a bad name!! It amazes me how people, in this case a Bishop who should know better, still choose to bend and manipulate the scriptures to express their personal views and opinions.
Some points about the bible:
There are 8 Covenants. From the Covenant of Eden, through the Covenant of Moses, and finally the covenant of Christ, each covenant makes the previous one obsolete by giving the lord's followers SPECIFIC rules to follow. This is easy enough to realize by simply reading the bible.
We don't live according to the rules of the Garden of Eden.
We don't have the responsibility of fathering a nation full of children (The covenant of Abraham) nor of repopulating the Earth (The Covenant of Noah).
We are no longer required to sacrifice animals in the name of God, or even to circumcise our children in His name (the signature of the covenant of Moses).
So we DO understand that the rules of the old covenant are replaced by those of the new.
We also KNOW that Jesus came and gave his blood, the "blood of a NEW and EVERLASTING covenant". Why everlasting? Because he is seated at the right hand of the Father, where he reigns forever and ever.
Ok, so, Jesus is the priest of the final, and everlasting covenant. Yet people are still following the rules of the Mosaic covenant! And not even God's law, but the law of the Levitican priests!! Where oh where in the bible does Jesus say it is wrong to be "gay"? If someone can PLEASE show me, it would sure clear things up!
Now, it DOES say, in the Levitican law (1 of over 600 laws) that a man should not lay with another man, as he does with a woman, that it is an abomination and is punishable by death.
Ok, so, lets look at that.
The abomination is a man laying with a man as with a woman.
Laying with a man.
Interesting how it says nothing about a man being emotionally in love with another man like he is with a woman.
Emotions are never mentioned.
Just the act.
So, when is the act of man on man sex done without involving feelings and emotions?
Probably the same way it is with a man and a woman.
It is called rape.
And back in the days that the old testament was recording, it was a common ocurrance for men to rape other men in order to break them and establish dominance over them. Usually an invading and conquering army would rape the conquered. Other times, the men from one village would want at any visiting men, not because they were gay, but because they wanted to show the visitors who was boss.
If you don't believe me, look it up. It is common in secular history of the area (and still quite common in prisons around the world today.)
You can also look it up in the bible.

Genesis 19:5
They called to Lot, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them."

This took place in Sodom and Gomorrah, when the two angels came to warn Lot that he had to leave because the city was being destroyed.
So, right there in the bible it mentions men wanting to rape other men.
Not exactly gay behavior, since rape is NEVER consentual.
Considering the reputation this city had, it would make ALL the sense in the world for the Levitican Priests to want to ban such behavior.
Sodomy/rape is still considered an abomination today.
However, this is not what this bishop is talking about.
He is talking about "Gay" people. An altogether different animal.
Being gay or lesbian, means having feelings and emotions toward someone who is of the same sex.
Is it unnatural? Perhaps. After all, nature (Or God, depending on how you look at it) specifically made man and woman compatible for mating.
But again, mating and love are two altogether different animals as well.
So, ok, back to the bible. So, Christ's Covenant, the reason he died, abolished the previous covenant.
In Christ'as covenant he has 2 commandments.
1)Love God above all things.
2)Love each other as we love ourselves. Indeed, love each other as Jesus himself loved us.
And he summed up all the prophets and all the laws with the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you.
So, as Christians (followers of Christ, not of Moses, Abraham, Noah, etc), where does Jesus talk about murdering and slaughtering people who are different?
This Bishop is a disgrace to the cloth, and to the church. I understand the social views of his country, but he is a CATHOLIC Bishop. He is responsible for following and teaching CATHOLIC law
I do not want to judge, since Jesus warned us against that as well, but...... well, there you have it.
EXCELSIOR......... and God bless.


  1. In Tororo District, Uganda, Bishop Emmanuel Obbo, the Archbishop of Tororo Archdiocese, urged every citizen who supported the anti-homosexuality law to lay down greed, corruption and “PUT THEM TO DEATH and let generosity rise up within us and flow out in abundance.”

  2. So wait, this was not true? Was this a hoax? Considering the area in which it happened, it seemed very plausible. I hope, in fact, that this article is NOT true.
