Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Catholic Apologetics: Sola Scriptura (Scripture only)

Greetings and Salutations everyone.
Today I'd like to discuss an interesting situation that has arisen in the Christian world.
Of course, I make it out to seem like it is a recent situation.
No, it is hundreds of years in the making, but it baffles me that it still exists. The notion of Sola Scriptura, or of using only what is in the bible. This is an interesting thing because it is an incomplete understanding of Jesus and Christianity. Think about this, Jesus walked from town to town, village to village, in a tireless trek to spread the word of the Lord.
I wonder how worn his bible was.
Of course, he had NO bible. His teachings were oral. When he ascended into heaven, as all his apostles were looking up at him, he did not yell down to them "Hey, guys, go read the bible to everyone!! And make sure they read them too!" No, he told them to go out and preach his Gospel, to TALK about it. He did not leave us a book at the spot where he had been standing right before he ascended. He left us eleven people to learn from. So this notion of the bible being the sole source of our faith is clearly disputed by that very same bible. A big part of Catholic condemnation is our adherence to Tradition AS WELL as scripture. It is viewed as man made, silly, non biblical, blasphemous even. Yet, that very same bible tells us to

"stand firm and hold to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by our spoken word or by our letter."
This, of course, is found in 2 Thessalonians 2:15.

How very interesting that those who claim Catholics can not be real Christians because they follow traditions instead of just the scriptures missed this verse WITHIN THOSE VERY SAME SCRIPTURES.
Another interesting fact about Sola Scriptura is that no where in the bible does it direct us to solely read scriptures. It does tell us to read them, of course, but no where does it say that they are the be all and end all of our faith. How can it be? If it were, then we miss out on so much. I mean, think of all the deeds Jesus did that were not recorded! What of them? Are they not important? According to John 21:25

"Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written."

There is no way the bible could capture everything, and no one can know it captured everything that was important. Our faith is like a three legged table. It is held up by The spoken Word of God, the written Word of God, and the Traditions of God. We as Catholics have many traditions that we observe, and interestingly enough for my Sola Scriptura friends who argue that this is wrong, this is found and approved in the scriptures themselves.
Matthew 16:19

"I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."

This was told to Peter at Caesarea Philippi. These traditions that we Catholics "made up" are bound in heaven as well, according to scripture. Jesus gave Peter, and his descendants, the authority, and more importantly, the responsibility to govern his church. The church has the keys to the kingdom. It has the authority to evolve the church and the traditions within it. This, again, is according to scripture. See, we Catholics stand on all three legs of the Christian faith. It is the only way. Take one leg away (as many of done) and the table collapses.
Well, that's it for now. Until next time,
EXCELSIOR.........and God Bless.

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